PowerWood celebrating (Neuro)diversity

- in our forever changing world -
PowerWood C.I.C., a leading UK not-for-profit, community-driven, social venture is committed to raising awareness about neurodiversity as a positive force for change in society. We believe neurodiversity is the result of normal, natural variation in humans. We celebrate this different way of looking at conditions or innate abilities, which have been traditionally pathologised. This point of view is increasingly supported by science, and is challenging widespread social norms and stigmas. Our focus is on compassionately and creatively supporting children and (young) individuals adapting any behaviour that keeps them from following their dreams and achieving their personal aims.

PowerWood's Offers

Free tests, downloads, information, blogs to improve understanding of ourselves and our children, simple and practical tips, tools and strategies to calm overwhelm and a FREE Introductory Talk online with a professional and compassionate consultant to discuss your worries

FREE Download

FREE Download

PowerWood's Personal Journeys

- sharing from a personal and professional perspective -

PowerWood's Creative Corner & Kids Corner

- from using creativity to bond, dairy and gluten free cupcakes to stories written by children-


Read Stories of others facing some of the same challenges

A significant change for our relationship with our son…

Hi Simone, Thanks so much for meeting with my partner and me the other week and for your insights on our relationship […]

The school thought it was helpful to get Social Services involved…

“Hi Simone I thought you’d be pleased to know that since our session this week I am now already back […]

I can say to my daughter that other people feel like this…

When I first read about PowerWood I thought it was interesting because my kids are really quite sensitive. They will […]

Simone de Hoogh's Newest Blogs and Vlogs

Follow Simone on her personal journey and read about her reflections, experiences in life and in her consultancy practice

How not to take our triggered teens personally and not to overreact

All posts by Simone de Hoogh ‘Unkind words are just words’ is one of the strategy perspectives used in the Multilevel […]

Easing into the School Holidays and Back

  All posts by Simone de Hoogh Simple tips, tools, and strategies to support our children with transitions Transitions can […]

Whisper game (Tool)- Dedicated to all parents of loud neurodivergent children

This post includes the ‘biggest gift’ we can give our children and the ‘whisper game’, a tool to help noisy […]

PowerWood's Informative Videos

Get information, tools and strategies by listening to Simone de Hoogh's conversations with members of the PowerWoods Community

Supporting our children through Transitions

Simone de Hoogh: why she started PowerWood

PowerWood Camp 2017 Children’s film

About PowerWood

What makes us tick and who we are...

Our heart and soul

Supporting neurodiverse individuals and families with non-neuro-typical and overexcitable (OE) children towards leading a more fulfilling and/or harmonious family life


Neurodiverse children and individuals need understanding, strategies and tools to enable them to appreciate themselves and direct their energy towards self-chosen goals

True to ourselves

Informing and educating ourselves helps us to feel confident and secure with our role as an advocate for either ourselves or for our child and to make informed decisions about our journey in life

Join our journey

Join our tribe and support PowerWood in sharing cutting-edge research-based information, strategies and tools that are compassionately adaptable to our personal lifestyle choices and belief system to all neurodiverse families

Radically Compassionate ...

... with our children AND ourselves - explore the options in a Free Introductory Online Talk with Simone de Hoogh

Join Our Community

Find Understanding, Practical Tools and Strategies

#gratitude to our Sponsors and All the Lovely People

With the support of our Sponsors and All the Lovely People, who dedicate compassionately energy, time and expertise and donations to the sustainable growth of PowerWood, we are able to offer so much to our Community. THANK YOU